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Monday, December 06, 2004

Why are torture items for sale on a UK website?

Several papers noted a report in the Police Review (5 November) of a couple who seem to have an exemplary relationship of trust and excitement. A former police officer and director of a company called Pro-Tect Systems (specialists in Tasers, or stun guns), Peter Boatman, addressed a conference on health and safety earlier this year. He was reported as saying to the gathering that he was sure Tasers were safe as he had tried them out not just on himself but on his wife, too.

Now, I am sure that many readers may have heard the words, "Darling, I think we should try something new". But I'm reasonably sure that none of you have then heard the words, "I think we should experiment with short bursts of electrocution."

I assume the electrocution of Mrs Boatman probably took place within the confines of a company registered with a Section Five firearms licence. It couldn't have taken place in the couple's bedroom, for example, as this could be a breach of the law. Electrocuting one's spouse for business or pleasure has to be construed as a bizarre act. Let us just be thankful that Pro-Tect Systems don't have a "bring your children to work" day.

The injury and distress caused by the use of Tasers has been well documented by Amnesty International. The use and sale of the electro-shock batons should be of equal concern. Amnesty has described them as "the universal tool of the torturer", as they cause extreme pain and leave no tell-tale marks. The export of electro-shock batons from the UK has been banned since 1997.

In 1998, Scotland Yard found a loophole through which British businesses could trade in these illegal goods. After an 18-month inquiry into the sale of torture equipment by a businessman called David Knights, the Crown Prosecution Service decided it could not prosecute because he had brokered the deal. The weapons had been purchased in the US and shipped to Cyprus and were not, therefore, imported through the UK. As long as the "goods" didn't touch British soil, it was entirely legal for UK plc to flog them. And flog them it did.

Indeed, British Aerospace (now BAE Systems), the MoD's arms dealer of choice, even went so far as to give away an electro-shock baton as a free gift during negotiations with Saudi Arabia. Gosh, don't we all know how hard it is to shop for Saudi royalty: what do you give a man who has everything? Torture equipment, sweetie, that's what: the gift that keeps on giving.

In 2002, the Export Control Bill was passed. This banned the brokering of items such as stun batons and stun guns. In May 2004, with the completion of the secondary legislation, it became law. UK businesses can now no longer broker torture equipment. So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the website of TLT International, a UK company based at 55 Vesta Rd, London SE4, which advertises stun batons and stun guns. Under pictures of the equipment, the site says, "This is a manufacturers' outlet", presumably in an attempt to distance TLT International from the manufacturer.

The products have the trade name "Security Guard", the same name the Korean Han Seung Electronics Ind Corp uses. The site goes on to say, "Please make inquiries". Most people would be forgiven for imagining that this website was in the business of promoting and/or assisting the sale of torture equipment. In fact, you couldn't be forgiven for thinking otherwise.

Has the company broken the law, though? The Department of Trade and Industry has stated that, under the Trade in Goods (Control) Order 2003, "a person may not [without licence] . . . do any act calculated to promote the supply or delivery of 'restricted goods'". It goes on to say: "Advertising activities in the UK . . . that promote the movement of restricted goods from one third country to another third country would require a UK trade licence." Which would suggest that TLT International might well have broken the law. However, Roger Berry MP, chairman of the Quadripartite Committee (which examines arms licensing), said after viewing the site: "If this is not illegal, it should be. If the company facilitates the transaction of weapons of torture, it is in breach of the law."

The address is go and have a look, and make up your own mind.

The matter is with Customs and Excise, and it remains to be seen if it will investigate. Human rights campaigners and MPs will await the outcome with interest. Many have argued that the government has failed to close down arms brokerage fully, since legislation applies only to torture equipment, long-range missiles and WMD, and not to the many other goodies churned out by the arms industry.

TLT International might just show us how effective the laws created in the past two years really are.


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